Friday, July 13, 2012

Supernaturally: Something's a little off...

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy #2)
By Kiersten White
Hardcover, 336 pages
HarperTeen, July 2011

Evie finally has the normal life she’s always longed for. But she’s shocked to discover that being ordinary can be...kind of boring. Just when Evie starts to long for her days at the International Paranormal Containment Agency, she’s given a chance to work for them again. Desperate for a break from all the normalcy, she agrees.

But as one disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural world into chaos. The prize in question? Evie herself. So much for normal.

Pricky's Review
3.5 Stars on Goodreads

If you haven't discovered Kiersten White's blog yet, you really should. It's the reason I picked up her book in the first place.

Supernaturally is the second in the Paranormalcy Trilogy. And having read Paranormalcy almost 2 years ago, my brain had a bit of amnesia. (I really should write up a summary note to my trilogies. Well, either that or just wait until all 3 are out.)

Which will happen in just 11 more days for this one! So if you have memory lapses like I do, now would be the perfect time to start this series (if you haven't already). The last book, Endlessly, arrives on July 24!

Now, back to the review: Supernaturally is fast-paced, funny, light entertainment. Evie's personality, sarcasm, and witty humor are the definite highlights of this series. And as with most trilogies, the "middle book" is always the toughest one for the main character, typically filled with some internal conflict or the like. In this one, Evie struggles with her decision to leave IPCA and take a chance at trying to live a so-called "normal life," all the while being attacked by various paranormals. Something's definitely up as Evie finds herself in life or death situations.

For me, Evie was a little harder to like in this one...maybe because of all her "internal conflicts" and communication problems she was having with Lend. And with my "adult glasses" on, I was getting frustrated with her and could see all the little problems that were happening because of her omissions. I also thought her relationship with her h.s. human friend could have been developed more--all of a sudden, Carlee and Evie are "friends" although I never really experienced or felt much of their friendship. And her relationship with Jack seemed a little awkward--like, why did she let him push her around so much? I think I expected a stronger, smarter girl. And for someone who was supposedly one of the top IPCA Agents, Evie doesn't seem to have a lot of "skills" or "energy level" in this one...(would an IPCA Agent not have the strength to run a lap? or remember to bring Tasey with her everywhere-just in case? I just didn't get it.) It seemed like Evie lost some of her "fight" in this one. Plus, I missed seeing more of Lend and Evie together.

But it's a cute story, and I will definitely be reading the next one; like I said, it's light reading and I enjoy kiersten's writing...even if I did feel like something was missing in this one.

Would I recommend it? Yes! Perfect for that day when you don't want to think about anything serious and just want something FUN.

And for a limited time, Paranormalcy is available on your kindle for only $2.99So if you haven't started the series, now is a great time to try it out!

Posted by Pricky


Amanda Morganne said...

I can't wait to read the third one. I think it's so interesting how people who read the same books have different feelings, I actually liked this one more than the first one because it had Evie struggling with senior year and college and relationships, which is where my life was when I read it (I was a high school senior feeling the same things). However, I can see how that could also frustrate some people. Thanks for the honest review!

Anonymous said...

Amanda! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :) Isn't that the craziest thing about books? It touches each of us in different ways. :D

I really do love Kiersten's writing and I am looking forward to #3; I hope to see Evie grow from this experience and become more confident in the next one... And #3 definitely needs more Lend in it. :D